Thursday, October 18, 2007

Latin@ books for all!

Here are two great blogs that focus on Latin@ characters and experiences:

Latina YA


Check them out and see what they have to say. If you like the sound of any of the books in these blogs, please recommend them to Ms. Hanneman and we can purchase them for next year!

Also, if you're interested in what the library already has, here are a few titles to get you started:

Esperanza Rising, by Pam Ryan (we have it in Spanish and English)
Crazy Mixed-up Spanglish Day, by Marisa Montes
Party Girl, by Lynne Ewing
Honey Blond Chica, by Michele Serros
Haters, by Alisa Valdez-Rodriguez

There are a bunch more titles in the library, come see what we have!

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