Friday, April 17, 2009

Watching TV online

YouTube is a great site to watch amateur videos online, and now they are adding professional content to their site, according to the New York Times.

This will be in direct competition with Hulu, another professional content site that is not available to viewers in Bolivia. Hulu offers NBC and Fox content, and hence shows from these networks will not be available through YouTube, but CBS and other network shows will be available.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Library career?

Have you ever thought about working in a library? Did you know that Casanova (yes, that Casanova) was a librarian, too? Here's a list of ten "Surprising Famous Librarians," from Mental Floss. Do you want to join their ranks? (And did you know that we have the paper version of Mental Floss in the library?)

Also, here's a quick look at libraries and librarians in popular culture, movies, etc., from PopWatch.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

iTunes new music info

Do you use iTunes to download and buy music? Their new version came out on April 7th, and here are eight things you should know when using the DRM-free music, from PC Magazine.

Download responsibly!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bicycle delivery?

In Ames, Iowa one library makes the environmentally conscious decision to deliver books by bicycle, instead of by vehicle. Read an article here.

Earth Day is coming up. What other innovative ideas can we come up with to lessen our impact on the environment?